Why internet is fast and cheap in Romania and some other countries (but expensive and slow in others)

TL;DR Back when dialup, ADSL and cable TV connections were contemporary, people discovered you can get better internet by running a simple network cable from the local internet cafe to your home. Neighbourhood suppliers sprouted like mushrooms, offering internet connections with the bonus of a much higher speeds between the subscribers. And people wanted games and access to shared content on the network. Big operators could only offer a competitive product by building a fiber… Continue reading

Why camera WiFi sucks

TL;DR – WiFi on cameras is crap because cameras have low performance processors and low performance WiFi modules and the interface between the two is slow. On top of that software is very lacking. No, it does not look like it will change in the near future. Intro The WiFi connection on most dedicated cameras sucks big time. It is slow, terribly slow. And it seldom lacks automation: I have not found any DSLR/MILC camera… Continue reading

Analog Discovery USB isolation

Intro Back when I was deverloping the PSU burner, I wanted to have the Analog Discovery isolated from the common ground, to avoid noise and other issues. Since I did not have a way to do this, I ended up using a laptop on battery for measurements. But for long term, I needed to have this isolation. Unfortunately, things that can isolate USB at 480Mbps or faster are too expensive to justify. The solution The… Continue reading